Cloud Hosted Webpage Integration
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        Cloud Hosted Webpage Integration

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        Article Summary

        SDK is hosted on the IDScan side. This is the fastest and easiest solution.
        For verification, the customer will be redirected to the special page of the domain ( This is a safe and controlled process. That page will have your form and all customer checks will be performed there.

        By default, IDScan provides you 3 examples of SDK flows which you can use for your integration and make modifications or create your own.

        The advantages of hosting SDK on the IDscan side:

        • Fast integration.
        • Minimum effort for your development team.
        • Self-service
        • IDscan sets up the SDK according to your needs and requirements.
        Every link is unique for a particular customer and can be used only one time. The link can be requested via API or generated manually in the Customer Portal and remains active for 24 hours (the time can be set to your preferences)

        IDscan provides 4 link generation options, a user should receive a link to a special dedicated page for verification.

        • General SDK Link(Customer Portal) – a generated link is unique for a particular customer and can be used only one time(expiration is 12h - Can be changed Settings/SDK Configuration). 
        • Generation of Generic link(API) – a temporary generic single-use tokenized link (expiration is 12h - Can be changed Settings/SDK Configuration). It is generated separately for each customer.
        • Generation of Enriched link(Customer Portal/API) – a personalized enriched with additional data tokenized link (you can add your internal identifier, prefill some form fields, define success and error redirects, pre-define language and expiration);
        • Public link(Customer Portal) - Globally available link, no expiration time, no limits for verifications (not recommended).

        By default, a generated link is unique for a particular customer and can be used only one time.

        If you wish to get a one-time unique SDK link, please go to your Customer Portal → Flows and press the Generate and copy button to copy the tokenized URL(The link will be saved automatically in your clipboard). The default expiration is 12h - can be changed in the customer portal -> Settings/SDK Configuration 

        Send this tokenized URL link to your customer to start the verification process.

        A Generic link(Personal verification link) is a temporary generic single-use tokenized link. It is generated separately for each customer. The default expiration is 12h - can be changed in the customer portal -> Settings/SDK Configuration

        There is almost no difference between General and Generic options ( the only difference is that Generic can be requested only by API)

        cURL example of a request:

        curl -H "X-API-Key: 1231223" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST

        API Documentation: Documentation

        Personal SDK Verification link with Parameters can be generated in the Customer Portal and via API. If you would like to generate an SDK link with pre-filled additional parameters, open the needed flow, go to the Integration tab, choose Cloud Hosted Webpage, scroll down and select the Enriched link tab. You will be able to find fields that you would like to fill out and you can press the button "Generate tokenized URL" to get the link. You will get a link with parameters(parameters are not seen in the link) which you will be able to see in the Verification Results.

        Available Fields in the Customer Portal(via API generation you can pass more fields)


        Define parameters:

        1. Add an external ID value into the relevant External ID field
        2. Add links into the Redirect on complete and Redirect on error fields
        3. Select a Locale value from the dropdown list of available choices. Only one language option can be selected
        4. Define a duration period by typing a required value into the Time to live (in minutes) field

        Prefill form data

        A user can later modify this data on a screen with the form(if the Form step is active in the SDK flow configuration).

        • Enter the First name and Last name values by typing them into the appropriate fields
        • Enter the Date of birth by using the popup Calendar
        • Send the API POST request with parameters: locale, profile, redirects

        Enriched link API:

        API Documentation for a generation via API : Documentation

        cURL Example: 

        curl -H "X-API-Key: 1231223" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST ""  --data '{"redirects":{"onComplete":"","onError":""},"profile":{"First name":"First Name","Last name":"Last Name","Date of birth":"1989-07-05"},"metadata": {"labels":{"label1": "key1",  "label2" : "key2"}},"locale":"en","ttl":"7200"}'

        Redirection Option

        Set up your system action rules after successful verification and in the event of a technical error.

        • Provide the URL for redirection of the customer to your system after completion of the verification process. If this field is omitted, the customer will see the common Thank you! page.
        • If a technical problem occurs during verification, the customer can be redirected to your special page. Its URL can also be provided in the integration section of the configurator.

        If you are planning to make a Public link "one-for-all link without generation", go to Flows, open needed SDK flow(which you are planning to use for sending) and go to the Integration tab scroll down, activate Public link, and press "Save".

        If enabled, anyone with the link can pass the verification endlessly. You will be charged for every completed verification.

        You can restrict access to your verification flow by activating/deactivating the Public link switcher.

        • A Private flow is available only with a one-time validation token;
        • A Public flow is available for anyone by the link;


        By enabling the Public link switcher, you won't need to generate a new unique link for each client. 

        Allowed domains

        You can configure the whitelist of allowed domains, wildcards are supported. IDscan will only allow redirects or embed for domains in this list. If empty, all domains are allowed.

        Embedded flow code sample (Sandbox):

        <iframe src=""></iframe>