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        Article summary

        IDscan offers the following Know Your Customer (KYC) process services:

        Document data verification and extraction service with face to photo biometric analysis, comparison and scoring and liveness video proof

        • Personal document type discovery and document authenticity validation from the image 
        • Document image pre-processing 
        • Personal document data OCR extraction, data consistency validation
        • Document owner face image recording
        • Document owner face image to document photo comparison and score calculation 
        • Document owner video recording 

        Document owner AML background discovery and report generation

        • Document owner AML background discovery using international databases (SIP/PEP/RCA/AML/CTF/Sanctions lists/Adverse media)

        Transaction manual review by IDscan representative, extended document authenticity verification

        • Transaction manual review and document authenticity check

        You simply select those that your company needs. You can select all checks at once, or choose only those that you need now and connect others later.

        For instance, you can use only verification of uploaded identity documents without any data entry forms for customers, or AML screening in global databases.

        Identity Documents Verification (ID check)

        Verify and authenticate ID documents at scale and in real-time.

        • ID cards, passports, driver's licenses, residence permits from 223+ countries supported.
        • Document authenticity check.
        • Automatic Data Extraction.
        • Dozens of features that allow to check/assess document validity and authenticity.
        • Fast and accurate results in real-time.
        • Global Coverage of 80+ world languages supported.
        • Documents from 223+ countries and territories supported.
        • Latin and Cyrillic script and diacritical symbols/marks/accents.

        IDscan will check the original photograph of the uploaded identity document, automatically detecting its type.

        This is the basic and most frequently needed verification type. The uploaded identity document is processed in a matter of seconds. The system recognises the document type and the data that it contains. You will get the result almost instantly

        Supported Documents


        FaceMatching is the process of comparing a portrait from an ID document photo with a selfie picture to make sure that they both belong to the same person.

        The system will compare the customer’s selfie with the customer’s photograph in the uploaded identity document.

        Liveness Detection

        Liveness Detection ensures that the users are “live” by asking them to complete a task on the camera (smiling, blinking, or turning their head). This prevents users from fraudulent submissions of pre-recorded videos, 3D masks, etc.

        The system will determine whether the customer is the same living person as indicated in the identity document being verified. For that, the customer has to perform several actions on camera. This is the most powerful anti-fraud tool. Also, this service prevents cybercriminals from using bots to load the system.

        The verification results are recorded and can be extracted for further usage in your system.

        It's not possible to use liveness in creating requests by API

        AML Watchlists

        Protect your business and reputation using a risk-based approach. Check your customers' data globally against 11+ million screened profiles.

        This verification is, in most cases, compulsory for financial organisations. IDscan checks the customer in all global law enforcement databases, sanctions lists and PEP lists, and searches the mass media for any mentions. Your KYC officer can use this information if the customer verification process yielded a negative result.

        AML and KYC Compliance Service description : Here

        Sanctions Lists

        Identify people associated with criminal activity, national and global sanctions. Over 800 global lists (OFAC, HMT, FINRA, Interpol).

        Governments and financial authorities around the world make the sanctions list, which includes people who were suspected of being involved in illegal activities. Any financial services should check the sanctions list and check the compliance status of potential clients not to get involved in money laundering or other criminal activities. Financial institutions should know when they receive the name matching with the name on the list. Sanctions lists include the United States' Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (SDN) List, and the consolidated lists used by the United Kingdom, the European Union, and the United Nations.

        PEPs (Politically Exposed Persons)

        Continuously updated data on PEPs and their close associates. 1.6 million complete and detailed PEP profiles.

        Adverse Media

        Get more information about your clients for better risk assessment and management. Billions of screened media articles with constantly updated data.


        Stay compliant with global regulatory requirements (FATF, FINMA, FCA, CySEC, MAS, FSA, BaFin).

        The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is the global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog which rules apply to European countries. Each country has an AML-regulating body like BaFin in Germany, the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) – in France, CySEC - Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission in Cyprus, etc. On the supranational level, The European Commission (EC) controls AML-policy. EC is the executive branch of power in the European Union. Recently European Commission proposed the creation of AMLA. This will be a new EU authority that will transform AML/CFT supervision in the EU and enhance cooperation among financial intelligence units (FIUs). It will be the central authority coordinating national authorities to ensure the private sector correctly and consistently applies EU rules.

        Proof of Address

        Proof-of-address document verification. IDscan will check the provided POA document (utility bill, bank statement, mobile phone bill, post letter and etc) and retrieve results if personal data is found in the document and the document is not older than X months.

        If you would like to test it out, please contact sales@checkin.com