SDK Integration Options
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        SDK Integration Options

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        Article Summary

        1. SDK is hosted on the IDScan side (No development is needed)

        This variant allows you to start working with IDscan without development. You should configure your flow on the configure page, and after that, the SDK becomes available via a direct link. Your clients can use this link for verifying and you will be able to get the result by API or Webhook, and of course, these results will appear in the Customer Portal.

        • The Fastest option to Launch IDscan and move to Live.
        • Configuration/Customization directly from the Customer Portal.
        • IDscan SDK:
          • Private SDK: Evey link is unique for a particular customer and can be used only once. The link is requested via API or in the Customer Portal. The link is active for 1 hour (the time can be set to your preferences)
          • Public SDK Link: Verification can be passed without an API request.

        In this case, a customer can pass an unlimited amount of verifications and every passed verification is being charged for (One SDK link for all Customers)

        2. SDK in iframe

        • Integrate SDK to your WebPage by using the iframe option.
        • SDK can be added only for allowed domains in the IDscan Customer Portal.
        • Configuration/Customization is performed directly from the Customer Portal.

        3. WEB SDK/SDK in Pop-up(Integration)

        We offer a module for integration into your website. It allows end-users to verify without leaving their current experience. Your developers don't have to think about how to work with a camera and how to take a photo. This variant means a developer will include the SDK script on the client-side web page.

        WebSDK can be shown either inline and/or like a button that opens SDK in a Pop-up:

        • Configure/Customize SDK directly from your webpage (the Customer Portal can be also used for this option to configure/customize the SDK)
        • More flexibility
        • Add the button to someplace inside your webpage to call the SDK in the Popup
        • Configuration/Customization is performed directly from the Customer Portal or in your WebPage

        4. Mobile(iOS and Android) SDK (Integration)

        We offer modules for iOS and Android which will add a verification process to your applications. It is a recommended variant if you have native applications

        This variant implies the developer will include SDK into a client's native application:

        • Mobile SDK integration into your mobile app
        • Intuitive interface (interactive hints for a selfie (iOS only)
        • Customizable flow
        • Customizable data fields